Mary Lake

  • WHO

    producer & dj






March 8, 2023 by LO CARE

In celebration of International Women’s Day we’re talking to women that inspire us about their take on wellness and beauty.

After learning herself the ins and outs via Youtube, Producer and DJ Mary Lake started her career through London’s underground scene. In 2017 she returned to Amsterdam, where she quickly gained ground in the Dutch club scene, landing some of the most prestigious festivals and events.

Mary has build a strong international presence in cities such as Melbourne and Berlin. When she’s not traveling, she lives with her little dog Donna in Amsterdam. We sat down to ask about her rituals, wellness habits, and learn about her journey to self-love.

How did a fashion student become an international producer and dj?
I studied fashion because I didn’t have the guts to pursue a career in music. When I was younger I always sang in bands and choirs and played several instruments, but due to my upbringing I believed a career in music was unrealistic. Fashion and art were some other interests of mine so I decided to study fashion at ArtEZ. After graduating I worked as a stylist and photographer for a while, but I never felt satisfied. It wasn’t until I got so fed up with my life that I decided to drastically make changes: move to London, work 5 different jobs at the same time to make ends meet and in my free time I taught myself to produce music with Ableton. By accident I started DJing at a house party. I immediately understood this was something I truly loved doing and I had talent for.

What do you think is the biggest takeaway from your story?
The main goal in life is to find your true passion, no matter how long it will take you to find it. Because once you find it, your life will be so magical on so many levels. You’ll meet so many like minded people. You’ll always have the energy, patience and focus to work because you love what you do. You’ll feel so fulfilled. I could go on for hours, haha, but you get the point.

What has your confidence journey been like?
It took me a very long time to get where I am now confidence-wise. I had some traumas in the past I needed to work through and it took most of my twenties to do so. I did lots of therapy. Also I dated a couple of wrong men which made me learn a lot about myself and taught me to be more assertive and know my boundaries. I’ve learned ways to cope with depression and life in general: regular exercise, meditation and sobriety helps. The journey has been long and I’m still learning and growing, but I’m happy my confidence level has grown through all of this life experience.

How do you define beauty?
This is going to sound so cliche, but beauty comes from within. You could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if you’re gonna act like a bitch you’re truly ugly to me. Beauty is kindness, generosity, warmth and gratitude amongst other things.

How has your approach to beauty evolved since you have such a demanding schedule?
I love this question, because it makes me realize there’s been a big shift in my beauty routine ever since I started working as an artist. Before, I used to wear make-up every single day. I would never leave my house without foundation, eyeliner and mascara. I would also straighten my hair. Now that I’m doing what I love I gained more confidence. I’m more content with myself and proud of myself for putting myself out there and achieving several goals. Now I don’t wear make-up anymore and I wear my hair naturally. But I do invest more in good skin products now, as yes my work can be demanding. Working at night, sleep deprivation and traveling makes my skin dryer so I enjoy using hydrating products like serums and I exfoliate my face and body regularly.

You were born in Algeria, do you have any wellness habits from your native country that have stuck with you?
As I’m growing older I’m also starting to grow white hairs. As my hair breaks easily, dyeing my hair with western products makes it more brittle. I recently started using henna on my hair and it’s truly the best. It makes your hair healthier and covers up the white hairs in a natural looking way. Applying it is really messy though and your hair will smell like hay for a couple of days, but I think it’s worth it.

Are you in any way connected to your heritage?
I have to admit that since I moved away from Algeria when I was really young, I never went back to visit. It was never my priority but now that I’m getting older I would love to go and discover more about my roots. I think I’m still connected through music, as I enjoy listening to Rai music for example. Some say you can hear my heritage through my music productions by the way I’m using percussion or certain rhythms.

How do you start your day, do you have any morning rituals?
I always drink lots of water first thing. Then I brush my teeth and I use a toothpick to clean between my teeth as well. I always exercise in the morning, it could be yoga at home or I go to the gym for spinning or weight training. Oh, and of course I walk my dog Donna!

How do you end your day, do you have any evening rituals?
I started reading books again recently and I try to read some pages before going to bed. Ottessa Moshfegh is my favourite author at the moment. In bed I always do some sort of meditation, like a chakra cleansing or a “body-scan”.

What’s your biggest wellness tip?
Sobriety! I’ve stopped drinking alcohol for about 2,5 years now. Not only is it good for the physical body, but mentally I feel so much stronger too. Also, after my work-out at the gym I always use the sauna. It helps with sore muscles and makes your skin smooth. I try to go to a spa once a month as well.

Astrology sign:
Aquarius with Pisces rising

Does it suit you?
I 100% identify with my astrology chart. I.e., I’m attracted to anything out of the ordinary, I’m intuitive, creative, idealistic, I have a rich imagination, I crave freedom in every aspect of my life and can’t cope with authority.

Favourite Tune:
I love so many tunes in many different genres, but I just sent a track to a friend that is worth sharing: Amanda Lear – Alphabet. She’s so fabulous and a fascinating creature. The lyrics of this song really amuse me.

What do you always take with you on the road?
Lip balm, chewing gum, a book, sudoku, my Leuchtturm calender, good headphones with noise-canceling (such a great invention).

Is there anything else you’d love to share with us?
Mother nature is amazing and there’s lots of natural products you can use for your body. LO is such a good example. Most of the stuff I use on my body is made from natural products, i.e. I use organic coconut oil as a body moisturizer religiously.